The Meetings
- There shall be at least one Annual General Meeting of the Association chaired by the President. It shall consist of a, a) Scientific Meeting b) Business and Administrative Meeting.
- Continuing medical education meetings shall be held not less than once a month in venues agreed by the Committee.
- The Scientific Sessions would be open to all categories of members of the Association, and others, including practitioners and students of medical and allied sciences on payment of appropriate delegate fees.
Besides the presentation of papers, the Association shall try to organize special lectures/seminars/workshops/posters and receive and implement suggestions in this regard from the General Body. - The business and administrative meetings of the Association shall consist of Annual General Body Meeting at which all the active members are expected to be present. The order of business shall be as follows:
- Presidential address and reading of the minutes of the last meeting.
- Report of the Secretary.
- Report of the Treasurer and budget for the following year.
- Unfinished Business.
- New Business.
- New Members.
- Election of Officers. (If any office is vacant).
- Discussion about future meetings.
- Forty percent (40%) members shall form the quorum for the Annual General Body Meeting (AGM).
If a desired number of the members do not assemble the meeting would be adjourned & reconvened after 30 minutes for which no quorum is necessary. - If 1/5th of members present eligible to vote want a voting on any issue during the AGM it would be done.
- When a new is issue is proposed for discussion, the person proposing the discussion should be personally present in the AGM for the discussion to take place unless prior written communication had been done to the secretary.
- All amendments to the Constitution and Bye-laws shall be submitted to the Secretary at least 1 month before the General Body meeting, and the Secretary shall forward a copy of the same to every member at least 2 weeks before the meeting.